Course Description

In today’s world of multi-tasking, over-committing, and being constantly on the go from one thing to another, we need to slow our pace. In my self-realization that I needed to stop and focus on each moment as it comes, I started making a list of all the this that I want to do in a day. I started thinking about all the ways I wished to improve my day to day life, but for some reason, couldn’t fit any of it in. With this I realized that I waste a lot of time. Whether on social media or just being stuck trying to figure out what to do next-I was A-not spending my time wisely and B-allowing the day to slip by without paying attention to anything that I experienced. Out of this frustration came this course.

I invite you to join me in my journey. It’s not hard, I promise! As soon as you register for this course, you will receive a daily mindful activity. Each activity will be in one of four categories: body, mind, soul, and home. It could be as easy as “drink a cup of tea.” Simple, right? But remember-make it mindful and intentional. Or, it can be a little more challenging for some like “spend the entire day without electronics.”

Remember, no one's journey will look the same. I encourage you to create a journal to document your days. Some of these activities you will want to repeat daily, and writing them down is a good tool to remember what you are doing!

I look forward to seeing you in class!

Herb Whisperer

Angelina Shuman

Angelina began her journey to natural health and wellness 18 years ago when she became a mother. Concerned about toxins and effects of common pharmaceuticals and processed foods, she began looking for alternative ways to support her daughter’s wellness. This was back in the dark ages of the late nineties, so the internet was not as easily accessible as it is today. She relied on the library and old family remedies to glean information.Fast forward to 2004-2007, she became very interested in the natural childbirth movement and became a doula. Through her doula studies, she found that her instructor also ran an herbalism school called Heart of Herbs Herbal School. She began formally studying herbalism to go along with her independent research.In 2013, she opened a store, Wild Earth Herbals (formerly known as Herb & Renewal) in Spartanburg, SC. In 2014, Wild Earth Herbals has moved to an online platform provide herbal wellness to a wider audience. “While I thoroughly enjoy making medicine for my clients, my true passion is education. I was frustrated (as were potential clients) that so many people were interested in taking my local classes, but due to our modern lifestyles, carving out time was next to impossible. I realized that if I could set up an online course (that so many people have asked for) in a classroom format so there was peer interaction, that I could reach so many more people. Another issue is expense. So many online courses are just out of people’s budgets. I wanted to make sure that everyone who wanted to take this course would be able.”~Angelina.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    {Day 1}

    • Welcome!

    • The most difficult step of any journey is the first.

    • 9 Benefits of Warm Water & Lemon In The Morning

  • 2

    {Day 2}

    • Strive for progress, not perfection.

    • Three Minute Breathing

  • 3

    {Day 3}

    • Be heard-speak less.

    • Three Minute Mindfulness of Sounds

  • 4

    {Day 4}

    • All the windows of my heart I open to the day.

    • Breath of Fresh Air

  • 5

    {Day 5}

    • Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

    • What did you decide to read?

  • 6

    {Day 6}

    • Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

    • Fruit Infused Water: 8 Ways to drink more Water

  • 7

    {Day 7}

    • We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

    • Herbal All Purpose Cleaner Formula

  • 8

    {Day 8}

    • We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.

    • 10 Journaling Tips to Help You Heal, Grow, & Thrive

  • 9

    {Day 9}

    • Happiness is a place between too little and too much.

    • Checking In.

  • 10

    {Day 10}

    • Right now look around you and select beauty as your focus.

    • Mindful Forest Hike

  • 11

    {Day 11}

    • A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.

    • Introduction to Crafts with Walkabout Crafts

  • 12

    {Day 12}

    • Peace, happiness & joy is possible during the time I drink my tea.

    • Nourishing Herbal Infusions with Susun Weed

  • 13

    {Day 13}

    • Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being.

    • Homemade Herbal Bath Salts Recipe

  • 14

    {Day 14}

    • The present moment is the only moment that is available to us, and it is the door to all moments.

    • A Day Unplugged

  • $60.00

    $60.00Wildcrafting & Basic Medicine Making

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